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PFAS, of per- en polyfluoralkylstoffen, zijn een groep synthetische chemicaliën die veel worden gebruikt vanwege hun water-, vet- en vuilafstotende eigenschappen. Ze staan bekend als forever chemicals omdat ze zeer moeilijk afbreekbaar zijn en zich ophopen in het milieu en in het menselijk lichaam, wat mogelijke gezondheidsrisico’s met zich meebrengt.
Chemicals yield profit of about $4bn a year for the world’s biggest PFAS manufacturers, Sweden-based NGO found
Those with higher levels of PFAS in their blood had 40% lower chance of conceiving within a year of trying
Research finds waste flushed down toilets and sent to sewage plants probably responsible for significant source of water pollution
Zweedse wetenschappers luiden alarmbel: overal 'forever chemicals' in regenwater, tot Antarctica toe
(15/08) - Vincent MerckxWereldwijd worden er hogere concentraties PFAS in regenwater aangetroffen dan Europese en Amerikaanse gezondheidsnormen toestaan. Dat besluit Zweeds onderzoek. Het toont aan hoe moeilijk de 'forever chemicals' uit de wereldwijde waterkringloop raken. De wetenschappers pleiten er daarom voor om het gebruik van PFAS zo snel mogelijk te verbieden waar mogelijk.
Le géant de la chimie ouvre les portes de son site italien pour montrer, entre autres, sa transition à propos des PFAS.
PFAS-tainted sewage sludge is used as fertilizer in fields and report finds that about 20m acres of cropland could be contaminated
UV filters absorbed by Posidonia oceanica may have damaging effects on ecosystems, scientists warn
There has been a 50-fold increase in the production of chemicals since 1950. This is projected to triple again by 2050
The Stockholm University study highlights the chemicals’ mobility, which has been found in penguin eggs and polar bears
42,000 Sources of Toxic PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals’ Polluting U.S. Surface, Drinking Water, Study Shows
(19/10) - Children\'s Health DefenseA new study by Environmental Working Group scientists found almost 42,000 potential sources of toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS could be polluting surface water or drinking water in communities across the U.S. The scientists called for more testing and stricter PFAS regulations.
As floods increase in frequency and intensity, chemicals buried in river sediments become “ticking time bombs” waiting to activate.
Many of the world’s plastic containers and bottles are contaminated with toxic PFAS, and new data suggests that it’s probably leaching into food, drinks, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, cleaning products and other items at potentially high levels.
The massive and growing ‘forever chemicals’ scandal in Belgium marks the culmination and possible endpoint of the endless growth logic, not to mention the privatising of profit and the socialising of costs. This was reflected in the leaked secret settlement, reached in 2018, between a Flemish government-owned company (Lantis) and a mega-multinational (3M), which leaves the taxpayers footing the bill, currently estimated at €63 million, for just a small part of the enormous PFOS pollution that seeped into the soil and water around the 3M plant in Zwijndrecht.