Le secteur des assurances fait face à des défis croissants liés aux risques climatiques. Les données assurantielles des dernières décennies témoignent d’une aggravation des événements climatiques, tels que les tempêtes, les inondations et les sécheresses. Cette situation soulève plusieurs questions majeures pour le secteur. La soutenabilité financière : L’augmentation des coûts des sinistres liés aux risques climatiques met en question la viabilité à long terme du régime d’indemnisation des catastrophes naturelles. L’assurabilité des risques : Certains assureurs sont tentés de se désengager des zones les plus à risques. Enfin L’adaptation des modèles d’évaluation : Les assureurs doivent revoir leurs stratégies et leurs modèles d’évaluation des risques pour mieux intégrer et gérer les risques climatiques.
Assurances et risques climatiques
The 29-year-old was arrested by City of London police after activists said they had cut the cables to insurance company offices in London, Leeds, Birmingham and Sheffield on Monday. In a press release, the group, which calls itself Shut the System, said it had targeted insurers “due to their critical role underpinning the fossil fuel economy through underwriting contracts and investments”.
Britain’s crackdown on climate protest is setting “a dangerous precedent” around the world and undermining democratic rights, the UK director of Human Rights Watch has said. In the UK “laws criminalising protests undermine democratic rights”, the NGO says in its latest annual world report, published on Thursday, adding that in the past year “the UK continued to crack down on and criminalise climate protests”.
Campaigners receive longest ever sentences for non-violent protest after being convicted of conspiracy to cause public nuisance
De jeunes militants pour le climat parlent de l’état de la politique dans le monde. Cette année, des élections ont lieu dans le monde entier, couvrant près de la moitié de la population mondiale. Il est également probable que cette année soit, une fois de plus, la plus chaude jamais enregistrée, alors que la crise climatique s’intensifie. Le Guardian a demandé à de jeunes militants pour le climat du monde entier ce qu’ils attendaient des élections et si la politique est efficace dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique.
This year elections are taking place across the globe, covering almost half of the world’s population. It is also likely to be, yet again, the hottest year recorded as the climate crisis intensifies. The Guardian asked young climate activists around the world what they want from the elections and whether politics is working in the fight to halt global heating.
Plus d’un millier de scientifiques spécialistes du climat exhortent le public à devenir des activistes Nous avons besoin de vous », déclare Scientist Rebellion, qui comprend les auteurs des rapports du GIEC sur les changements climatiques, alors que les diplomates se réunissent dans le cadre de la Cop28.
UK has led the way, with countries across the continent making mass arrests, passing draconian new laws and labelling activists as eco-terrorists
Andreas Malm says he has no hope in ‘dominant classes’, and urges more radical approach to climate activism.
Six KCs among more than 120 mostly English lawyers to sign pledge not to act for fossil fuel interests
The world’s reliance on hi-tech capitalist solutions to the climate and ecological crises is perpetuating racism, the outgoing UN racism rapporteur has warned. Green solutions including electric cars, renewable energy and the rewilding of vast tracts of land are being implemented at the expense of racially and ethnically marginalised groups and Indigenous peoples, Tendayi Achiume told the Guardian in an interview.
Billboards hijacked across Europe to highlight role of airline emissions in climate crisis
Group says ‘climate disaster’ vehicles targeted in nine countries including the UK, France and Canada
Carbon capture and storage schemes, a key plank of many governments’ net zero plans, “is not a climate solution”, the author of a major new report on the technology has said. Researchers for the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) found underperforming carbon capture projects considerably outnumbered successful ones by large margins.
Extinction Rebellion protesters have blocked one of Covent Garden’s busiest junctions on the first day of the group’s latest wave of protests targeting London.