Focus Risque technologique

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Dans quelle mesure la technologie est-elle susceptible de contribuer à l’augmentation du risque d’effondrement de nos sociétés?
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Résultats pour:
Steve Genco


Steve Genco Traduction ObsAnt – article original sur Medium Projections climatiques et projections démographiques Au cœur de la science du climat, il existe une déconnexion déconcertante entr…


When it comes to writing about climate change … or energy transition … or resource depletion … the new “it” word seems to be COLLAPSE. Collapse is everywhere. But collapse is an inherently fuzzy…


As an average citizen of the United States, one with no particular power over our political trajectory beyond my ability to vote and encourage others to vote, I have very little say in how our descent into a hotter, resource-depleted world will play out. This contrasts with how much I worry about that impending descent, its impact on my children and grandchildren, and its deep implications for the future of humanity writ large.


Climate projections versus population projections - There is a puzzling disconnect at the core of climate science between climate projections and population projections. Indeed, comparing the two, one might be forgiven for thinking that population scientists and climate scientists live in two completely different worlds.