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Résultats pour:

22 avril 2024

Plastics in the marine environment have become a major concern because of their persistence at sea, and adverse consequences to marine life and potentially human health. Implementing mitigation strategies requires an understanding and quantification of marine plastic sources, taking spatial and temporal variability into account. Here we present a global model of plastic inputs from rivers into oceans based on waste management, population density and hydrological information. Our model is calibrated against measurements available in the literature. We estimate that between 1.15 and 2.41 million tonnes of plastic waste currently enters the ocean every year from rivers, with over 74% of emissions occurring between May and October. The top 20 polluting rivers, mostly located in Asia, account for 67% of the global total. The findings of this study provide baseline data for ocean plastic mass balance exercises, and assist in prioritizing future plastic debris monitoring and mitigation strategies. Rivers provide a m

14 mars 2024

Global investment in the clean energy transition grew by 17% in 2023, showing resilience despite geopolitical tensions, high interest rates, and inflation. But was it enough to keep the world on track to hit net zero by 2050? To answer this question, we compare 2023 clean energy investment by sector with what’s annually needed to reach net zero by 2050, in partnership with the National Public Utilities Council.

01 juillet 2023

Donderdag werd aan de Scheldeoevers in Hoboken een nieuwe samenwerking gelanceerd tussen River Cleanup en de Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO). Burgers worden opgeroepen om met drones het zwerfvuil langs de Schelde te spotten en zo hotspots in kaart te brengen. Artificiële intelligentie combineert de beelden, zodat nadien gericht opgeruimd kan worden.
Rivers are a major source of plastic waste in the oceans. We estimate that 1000 rivers, are accountable for nearly 80% of global annual riverine plastic emissions, which range between 0.8 – 2.7 million metric tons per year, with small urban rivers amongst the most polluting.

23 juin 2023

Electrical blackouts like the ones in California are becoming more common. So are heat waves. A new study published in the journal of the National Institute of Health attempts to predict what will happen when both occur at the same time.

01 mai 2023

SACRAMENTO -- Data from the California Energy Commission (CEC) shows that 59 percent of the state’s electricity came from renewable and zero-carbon sources in 2020. The CEC estimates that in 2020, 34.5 percent of the state’s retail electricity sales were served by Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS)-eligible sources such as solar and wind. When sources of zero-carbon energy such as large hydroelectric generation and nuclear are included, 59 percent of the state’s retail electricity sales came from non-fossil fuel sources in 2020. In 2019, over 60 percent of the state’s electricity came from renewable and zero-carbon sources. The decrease in 2020 is due to decline in hydroelectric generation caused by severe drought, as well as pandemic-related delays to new renewable energy projects.

20 avril 2023

Lancée en 2013, l’organisation à but lucratif The Ocean Cleanup a pour objectif de nettoyer les océans des déchets plastiques.

04 avril 2023

Een meerderheid van de Belgen zet plasticvervuiling in zijn top drie van grootste milieuproblemen, maar weet niet goed waar ze zelf kunnen helpen. Een gemiste kans, zegt de Belgische organisatie River Cleanup, want er is veel dat we kunnen doen.

29 mars 2023

Quels sont les pays qui rejettent le plus de plastique dans l'océan ? Pourquoi ? Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour les solutions de lutte contre la pollution plastique ? Voici un regard de côté pour comprendre l'ampleur et les moteurs de la pollution plastique océanique, afin de mettre en œuvre les interventions les plus efficaces pour la réduire.

04 novembre 2022

EN (04/11/2022) -
This study evaluates how Europe can fulfil its goal of “achieving resource security” and “reducing strategic dependencies” for its energy transition metals, through a demand, supply, and sustainability assessment of the Green Deal and its resource needs.