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03 mai 2023

Climate change has important implications for the health and futures of children and young people, yet they have little power to limit its harm, making them vulnerable to climate anxiety. This is the first large-scale investigation of climate anxiety in children and young people globally and its relationship with perceived government response.

14 février 2023

The fallout when the industry fails to act is still smaller than the rewards for pumping out more pollution

27 octobre 2022

Joint committee on national security strategy criticises ‘severe dereliction of duty’ by ministers as threat grows

30 août 2022

Largest scientific study of its kind finds climate anxiety affects the daily life and functioning of nearly half of children and young people surveyed globally.

04 juillet 2022

The federal effort could set the stage for more studies into the feasibility, benefits and risks of one of the more controversial means of combating climate change.

28 mai 2022

If our next federal government wants to save the reef, it must tackle the main reason it is in trouble by phasing out fossil fuel use and exports as quickly as possible. Otherwise it’s like putting bandaids on an arterial wound.

07 février 2022

The most widely publicized threat to the Amazonian rainforest is deforestation. Less well understood is that public lands are being converted to private holdings in a land grab we’ve been studying for the past decade... Much of this land is cleared for cattle ranches and soybean farms, threatening biodiversity and the Earth’s climate.

18 janvier 2022

The UK Government is forecasting that, without better plans to improve climate resilience, billions of pounds will be wiped off of national GDP in the coming decades, with the costs of inaction set to outweigh the cost of action by 2045.
As required by the Climate Change Act 2008, the government has today submitted the Third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3) to Parliament. Professor Richard Betts MBE, who led this team, says that ""ne of the key conclusions from the University of Exeter's work was that current worldwide policies could result in up to 4°C warming by 2100."

16 janvier 2022

Selon l’autorité de surveillance financière des États-Unis (GAO – Government Accountability Office), le département de l’Énergie a investi environ 1,1 milliard de dollars entre 2009 et 2015 dans neuf projets de capture et séquestration du carbone (CCS).