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Pas moins de 6 sortes de plastiques ont été identifiés dans la boisson Coca-Cola. Découvrez notre enquête exclusive !
La protection et la conservation des eaux souterraines relèvent d’une importance majeure pour le bon fonctionnement des écosystèmes qui en dépendent et parce qu'elles constituent une ressource pour l’approvisionnement en eau destinée à la consommation humaine. Après le nitrate, les pesticides constituent le second facteur de dégradation de la qualité des eaux souterraines.
Révélations exclusives sur une contamination aux PFAS ignorée - En février 2024, une recherche conjointe du Réseau européen d'action sur les pesticides (PAN Europe) et de ses membres a révélé une forte augmentation de la contamination des fruits et légumes européens par des pesticides appartenant au groupe chimique problématique des PFAS, également connus sous le nom de "forever chemicals" (polluants éternels). Le présent rapport se concentre sur leur produit de dégradation final, l’acide trifluoroacétique (TFA), un produit chimique très persistant.


PFAS: Une contamination importante du sol, de l’air et de l’eau par des composés perfluorés
Dear COP 28 President-Designate Sultan Ahmed Al-Jaber, This year, world leaders gathering in the UAE to take stock of their climate commitments will for the first time engage in official programming focused on health. We, the signatories of this letter, support your leadership in bringing health front and center at COP28.
Cette enquête a été réalisée par l’Institut Solidaris en partenariat avec l’asbl Latitude Jeunes, Organisation de Jeunesse partenaire de Solidaris. Latitude Jeunes et Solidaris souhaitaient lancer cette enquête pour plusieurs raisons : - écouter la parole des jeunes belges francophones, - interroger leur rapport à la politique, - se faire le porte-voix de leurs préoccupations et de leurs demandes à l’approche des élections de 2024. Nous avons classé les résultats obtenus selon 4 grands axes : la santé, le climat, la politique, l’avenir.
Surveillance des arboviroses en France métropolitaine : nette augmentation des cas de dengue autochtone en 2022
Folia | Impact environnemental des dispositifs pour inhalation utilisés dans l’asthme et la BPCO
Potential external cost savings associated with the reduction of animal-sourced foods remain poorly understood. Here we combine life cycle assessment principles and monetarization factors to estimate the monetary worth of damage to human health and ecosystems caused by the environmental impacts of food production. We find that, globally, approximately US$2 of production-related external costs were embedded in every dollar of food expenditure in 2018—corresponding to US$14.0 trillion of externalities. A dietary shift away from animal-sourced foods could greatly reduce these ‘hidden’ costs, saving up to US$7.3 trillion worth of production-related health burden and ecosystem degradation while curbing carbon emissions. By comparing the health effects of dietary change from the consumption versus the production of food, we also show that omitting the latter means underestimating the benefits of more plant-based diets. Our analysis reveals the substantial potential of dietary change, particularly in high and upper-
La législation européenne encadrant la mise sur le marché des pesticides définit clairement les obligations des Etats membres lors de l'évaluation des risques et de l'autorisation de pesticides. Les Etats, dont la Belgique, doivent fait primer la protection de la population sur l'intérêt de l'agriculture productiviste et s’abstenir d’autoriser des produits susceptibles de porter atteinte à la santé humaine et animale ou à l’environnement. Pourtant, 26 % des autorisations de pesticides en Belgique sont octroyées à des produits potentiellement cancérigènes, toxiques pour la reproduction, nocifs pour les nourrissons, ou ayant des effets perturbateurs endocriniens (dérèglement hormonal).


Gestational exposure to ambient fine particles (PM2.5) increases the risk of stillbirth, but the related disease burden is unknown, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We combine state-of-the-art estimates on stillbirths, and multiple exposure–response functions obtained from previous meta-analyses or derived by a self-matched case-control study in 54 LMICs. 13,870 stillbirths and 32,449 livebirths are extracted from 113 geocoded surveys from the Demographic and Health Surveys. Each stillbirth is compared to livebirth(s) of the same mother using a conditional logit regression. We find that 10-µg/m3 increase of PM2.5 is associated with an 11.0% (95% confidence interval [CI] 6.4, 15.7) increase in the risk of stillbirth, and the association is significantly enhanced by maternal age. Based on age-specific nonlinear PM2.5–stillbirth curves, we evaluate the PM2.5-related stillbirths in 137 countries. In 2015, of 2.09 (95% CI: 1.98, 2.20) million stillbirths, 0.83 (0.54, 1.08) million or 39.7%
The modern agricultural production system relies heavily on the use of synthetic pesticides, but over the course of recent decades various concerns have been raised on the associated negative externalities touching a variety of dimensions, such as human health and the environment. Yet, the magnitude of those effects is still unclear and data availability is scattered and heterogenous across dimensions, regions, and time. The public sector is called upon to develop and implement strategies to face those externalities and their associated social costs. This study aims to provide an assessment of social costs of pesticides in France in the prospect of an integration to the public budget spending, helping public authorities to identify financial flows of public funding with an impact perspective, within a methodological framework based on the social norms at the core of the public system. The results show that the social costs attributable to synthetic pesticide use in France amounted to 372 million euros, of whi
The fate, effects, and treatment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), an anthropogenic class of chemicals used in industrial and commercial production, are topics of great interest in recent research and news cycles. This interest stems from the ubiquity of PFAS in the global environment as well as their significant toxicological effects in humans and wildlife. Research on toxicity, sequestration, removal, and degradation of PFAS has grown rapidly, leading to a flood of valuable knowledge that can get swamped out in the perpetual rise in the number of publications. Selected papers from the Journal of Hazardous Materials between January 2018 and May 2022 on the toxicity, sequestration, and degradation of PFAS are reviewed in this article and made available as open-access publications for one year, in order to facilitate the distribution of critical knowledge surrounding PFAS. This review discusses routes of toxicity as observed in mammalian and cellular models, and the observed human health effects i
The IPBES #PandemicsReport is one of the most scientifically robust examinations of the evidence and knowledge about links between pandemic risk and nature since the COVID-19 pandemic began - with 22 of the world's leading experts from fields as diverse as epidemiology, zoology, public health, disease ecology, comparative pathology, veterinary medicine, pharmacology, wildlife health, mathematical modelling, economics, law, and public policy as authors of the report. The expertise of the 22 authors was further augmented by contributions and knowledge resources from the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, and the World Health Organization - as well as a peer review process.


Les facteurs démographiques à l’œuvre dans les évolutions entre 2002 et 2018. Le vieillissement démographique suscite des craintes budgétaires, notamment en matière de santé ; à cet égard il est utile de disposer de la structure des dépenses de santé par âge et, plus encore, de son évolution.
Cet appel, nous allons le diffuser, nous allons le porter dans toutes les instances nationales et internationales, nous allons en faire la pierre angulaire de notre mobilisation pour que la santé des populations soit davantage prise en compte dans cette crise climatique qui ne fait que commencer. »


