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The only publication for climate action, covering the environment, biodiversity, net zero, renewable energy and regenerative approaches. It’s time for The New Climate.
The Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT is a think and do tank founded in 2020, based on its French equivalent the INR. Our aim is to bring together Belgian companies, organizations and individuals, and help them succeed their digital transition while reducing the environmental and social footprint of their IT services and usages. Thanks to the support of our members and of public authorities, we promote digital technologies and services that are more sustainable, inclusive and ethical.
This article argues that resource and logistical constraints weighing on low-carbon energy and CO2 capture technologies are likely to pave the way for geo-engineering solutions such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), which demand negligible land, material, and energy inputs. This “climate transition without carbon transition”, though technically feasible, is far from being that simple, raising a whole new set of environmental risks as well as geopolitical, institutional, and ethical issues.
L' Atlas de la justice environnementale documente et répertorie les conflits sociaux autour des questions environnementales. Il vise à rendre ces mobilisations plus visibles, à mettre en lumière des revendications et des témoignages et à plaider en faveur d'une véritable responsabilité des entreprises et de l'État pour les injustices infligées à travers leurs activités. Il tente également de servir d'espace virtuel pour ceux qui travaillent sur les questions de JE pour obtenir des informations, trouver d'autres groupes travaillant sur des questions connexes et augmenter la visibilité des conflits environnementaux.
Warming Stripes for GLOBE from 1850-2020 Data: Berkeley Earth, NOAA, UK Met Office, MeteoSwiss, DWD, SMHI, UoR, Meteo France & ZAMG