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Résultats pour:

mai 2024

Op IJsland is de grootste installatie ter wereld in gebruik genomen om CO₂ weer uit de atmosfeer te plukken. De machine, die de naam 'Mammoth' meekreeg, moet per jaar 36.000 ton CO₂ uit de lucht halen met een soort gigantisch dampkapsysteem. Hoe werkt het, hoeveel is het klimaat hierbij gebaat en wat zijn de addertjes onder het gras?

décembre 2023

New path to transition away from fossil fuels marred by lack of finance and loopholes COP28 in Dubai sends an important signal on the end of fossil fuels but leaves more questions than answers on how to ensure a fair and funded transition that is based on science and equity

octobre 2023

De Europese Unie zal haar eigen energie- en klimaatdoelen niet halen op basis van de plannen die tot nog toe zijn ingediend. Dat blijkt uit een vernietigende doorlichting van Climate Action Network Europe, een koepel van milieuorganisaties.

septembre 2023

ibrio are bacteria that cause an estimated 80,000 illnesses each year in the United States. About a dozen species of Vibrio are pathogenic to humans. V. parahaemolyticus causes the most infections in the United States, accounting for about 40% of reported cases of vibriosis, followed by V. alginolyticus, which accounts for about 20%. Most people with Vibrio infection have diarrhea. Some people might also have stomach cramping, nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills. One species, V. vulnificus, is known to cause life-threatening infections. About 150–200 V. vulnificus infections are reported to CDC each year and about one in five people with this infection die—sometimes within 1–2 days of becoming ill.

juillet 2023

Are we already living in the Anthropocene? For the past three years, the Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) has undertaken extensive research at 12 different locations across the globe to search for geological evidence of recent planetary change provoked by industrialized humanity. The AWG’s aim was to identify a geological reference section, a so-called Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP, commonly referred to as the "Golden Spike") that would indicate the start of a new Earth epoch, the Anthropocene. The research process has been closely accompanied by the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) within the collaborative framework of the Anthropocene Curriculum. On July 11, 2023, the scientists of the AWG will present their proposed Anthropocene GSSP candidate in a joint online press conference with the Max Planck Society and former members of the HKW. The press conference takes place as a special event of the international Max Planck So

mai 2023

Depuis qu’Elon Musk a acheté Twitter il y a six mois, le milliardaire Elon Musk a assoupli la modération des contenus problématiques et laissé revenir des personnalités auparavant bannies, comme Donald Trump.

février 2023

Les associations environnementales Nature & Progrès et Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe annoncent mardi avoir mis en demeure la veille l'État belge, via le ministre fédéral en charge de l'Agriculture David Clarinval.

janvier 2023

The EU have introduced a new regulation on the import of products linked to deforestation – but will this reduce deforestation globally?

novembre 2022

We face so many concurrent threats that commentators have argued that we now face an unprecedented "polycrisis" – where multiple interacting global crises produce greater harms to the planet and humanity than those crises would produce in isolation. The Wellbeing Economy Alliance has argued that the current economic design is at the root cause of this polycrisis, and with good reason.
Research published this summer found that falsehoods about global warming continue to flourish on social media sites and are often framed through the lens of Western culture wars, placing climate change alongside other hot button topics like gay and transgender rights and gun control. A separate analysis released last month found “a sprawling online network” of Spanish speakers on Twitter, TikTok and other major social platforms who “consistently amplify” climate misinformation and other right-wing conspiracy theories.
Materials put into domestic compost are failing to disintegrate after six months – the only solution is to use less. Most plastics marketed as “home compostable” don’t actually work, with as much as 60% failing to disintegrate after six months, according to research.

septembre 2022

Three months before COP27, new research suggests the most ambitious climate pledges are also most credible.

août 2022

A coal-fired power plant that had been mothballed has become the first of its kind to be put back on to the network in Germany, as debate rages over how Europe’s largest economy will cope without Russian gas. The facility in Lower Saxony, which is owned by the Czech energy company EGH, has received emergency permission to run until April in an attempt to boost energy production.

juillet 2022

Europese investeringen in gas en kernenergie krijgen voortaan het label groen, zo is vorige week besloten. Dit is pure greenwashing, waarschuwen Esther Bollendorff en Olivier Vardakoulias, beleidsexperts bij Climate Action Network Europe. De EU moet erop rekenen dat de nieuwe classificatie in de rechtbank wordt aangevochten.

mai 2022

L'organisation non gouvernementale Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) a relevé, via une étude, une augmentation de 53% en neuf ans de fruits contaminés par des pesticides censés être interdits sur le Vieux Continent depuis 2011.
L’organisation non gouvernementale Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) a relevé, via une étude, une augmentation de 53% en neuf ans de fruits contaminés par des pesticides censés être interdits sur le Vieux Continent depuis 2011. Quelque 97.170 échantillons ont été analysés entre 2011 et 2019. Dans son communiqué, l’ONG réclame l’interdiction immédiate des douze pesticides les plus dangereux ainsi que l’interdiction d’ici 2030 des autres produits contenant l’un des 55 pires agents chimiques.
It doesn’t even work yet, but nuclear fusion has encountered a shortage of tritium, the key fuel source for the most prominent experimental reactors.

avril 2022

Il est parfois surnommé le "pape cool" de l'écologie. Mais quand Rob Hopkins est invité par une alliance de dirigeants d'entreprises belges, il s'avoue "nerveux". Le cofondateur (en 2007) du Transition Network n'a pas l'habitude de se frotter au monde des affaires. De la rencontre presque improbable, nous retirons un condensé des défis business adressé aux entreprises, par Rob Hopkins.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), made up of the world’s leading climate scientists, has now published all three sections of its landmark comprehensive review of climate science.
Russian soldiers who seized the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster drove their armoured vehicles without radiation protection through a highly toxic zone called the "Red Forest", kicking up clouds of radioactive dust, workers at the site said. The two sources said soldiers in the convoy did not use any anti-radiation gear. The second Chernobyl employee said that was "suicidal" for the soldiers because the radioactive dust they inhaled was likely to cause internal radiation in their bodies.

mars 2022

Les banques centrales sous-estiment la menace significative que représente la perte de la biodiversité et de ses richesses dont dépendent pourtant entreprises et institutions financières, s'inquiète jeudi un rapport auquel ont participé des banques centrales. Les effets du changement climatique sont de plus en plus intégrés dans l'évaluation des risques économiques, mais c'est beaucoup moins le cas pour des menaces similaires issues de la destruction de la nature, selon ce rapport élaboré par des chercheurs et le réseau de banques centrales NGFS (Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System).
Capitalism isn’t what it used to be. Since 2008, critics of the world’s dominant economic system have been lamenting its imperviousness to change. And for good reason. In earlier epochs, financial crises and pandemics wrought economic transformation. In our own, they seem to have yielded more of the same. Before the 2008 crash, global capitalism was characterized by organized labor’s weakness, rising inequality within nations, and a growth model that offset mediocre wage gains with asset-price appreciation. All of these have remained features of the world’s economic order.
Des centaines d'ONG ont appelé vendredi le monde à mettre fin à son "addiction aux énergies fossiles" qu'elles considèrent comme un moteur de l'invasion russe de l'Ukraine. Il est "clair que la machine de guerre (russe) a été financée, nourrie et alimentée par les industries du charbon, du pétrole et du gaz qui encouragent à la fois l'invasion qui menace l'Ukraine et la crise climatique qui menace l'avenir de l'humanité", écrivent dans une lettre ouverte ces organisations, dont, Climate Action Network ou Carbon Market Watch, ainsi que des dizaines de groupes ukrainiens.

janvier 2022

We submit that the safe operating space of the planetary boundary of novel entities is exceeded since annual production and releases are increasing at a pace that outstrips the global capacity for assessment and monitoring. The novel entities boundary in the planetary boundaries framework refers to entities that are novel in a geological sense and that could have large-scale impacts that threaten the integrity of Earth system processes. We review the scientific literature relevant to quantifying the boundary for novel entities and highlight plastic pollution as a particular aspect of high concern. An impact pathway from production of novel entities to impacts on Earth system processes is presented.

octobre 2021

Une trentaine de jeunes militants écologistes ont occupé le Science Museum de Londres dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi pour dénoncer ses partenariats avec des compagnies pétrolières, un type de mécénat de plus en plus critiqué. Les militants, membres de UK Student Climate Network (UKSCN London), ont passé la nuit dans le hall du musée londonien, après avoir effectué une veillée à la bougie pour "les victimes" des sponsors du musée, BP, Shell, Equinor.
The UN Conference of the Parties (COP26) for the Framework Convention on Climate Change will be in Glasgow 1-12 November. There is a chance that Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister and meeting host, might make this COP more effective than prior COPs, as discussed below.
The most important climate talk at the highest political level—since the Paris climate conference in 2015—is set to take place in Glasgow, Scotland this year, from October 31 to November 12. This is the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This is not only the largest global climate summit, but also the largest global event as the sheer existence of the world will depend on the outcome of this year's conference.

septembre 2021

So far, all the preparation work we have done has been beating around the bush – not much that is substantial is happening yet. The homework has been done very well, but only on the issues that are not very substantive for this Cop, such as technical issues to do with the Paris agreement. We need to discuss now the issues which are most substantive: ambition, and climate finance.
Door de opwarming van het oceaanwater moeten walvissen noodgedwongen naar gevaarlijke gebieden trekken om eten te vinden. Ook voor andere zeezoogdieren wordt het moeilijker overleven in de warmere oceanen.
If there’s one thing we know about climate breakdown, it’s that it will not be linear, smooth or gradual. Just as one continental plate might push beneath another in sudden fits and starts, causing periodic earthquakes and tsunamis, our atmospheric systems will absorb the stress for a while, then suddenly shift. Yet, everywhere, the programmes designed to avert it are linear, smooth and gradual.

août 2021

Een gevolg van de opwarmende oceanen is dat er minder vis te vangen zal zijn. Warmer water zorgt namelijk voor kleinere en minder mobiele vissen, en bedreigt zo onze voedselzekerheid.
As scorching temperatures spread, the search for ways to protect against heat stress is becoming ever more urgent
As an economist who has studied the effects of weather and climate change, I have examined a large body of work that links heat to economic outcomes. Here are four ways extreme heat hurts the economy – and a little good news.

juillet 2021

An astute journalist I know once described carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a “delay-and-fail strategy” devised by the fossil fuel industry. The industry’s ploy was utterly obvious to him: Promise to perfect and deploy CCS at some vague point in the future. By the time people catch on that CCS won’t work, the fossil fuel industry will have successfully extended the time it has operated without onerous regulation for another couple of decades.
The Global Alliance for a Green New Deal is inviting politicians from legislatures in all countries to work together on policies that would deliver a just transition to a green economy ahead of Cop26 UN climate talks in Glasgow this November.

juin 2021

In December 2020, 50 of the world’s leading biodiversity and climate experts, selected by a 12-person Scientific Steering Committee assembled by IPBES and IPCC, participated in a four-day virtual workshop to examine the synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation. This represents the first-ever collaboration between the two intergovernmental science-policy bodies.

mai 2021

Proposals for coordinated climate action at the global level all too easily run into free-rider and fairness problems, leaving many of the most popular policy proposals dead on arrival. But a simple framework that gives all countries similar incentives would overcome these problems.

mars 2021

février 2021

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