url courte : focusclimat.eu
Le climat est la distribution statistique des conditions de l’atmosphère terrestre dans une région donnée pendant une période donnée. L’étude du climat est la climatologie. Elle se distingue de la météorologie qui désigne l’étude du temps dans l’atmosphère à court terme et dans des zones ponctuelles. source : wikipedia
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Our Finite World
Added complexity allows an economy to grow, even as resource limits are reached. But at some point, the complexity itself becomes a problem.
A major reason for the growth in the use of renewable energy is the fact that if a person looks at them narrowly enough--such as by using a model--wind and solar look to be useful. They don't burn fossil fuels, so it appears that they might be helpful to the environment. Energy modeling misses important points. I believe that profitability signals are much more important.
Many people believe that wind, solar and electric vehicles are solutions to our energy problems. In this post I talk about the important role complexity plays. Growing complexity uses energy in hidden ways. The result tends to be more energy use, rather than less, as complex solutions such as wind turbines, solar panels and electric vehicles are added. Many measures of energy desirability give unreasonably favorable ratings to wind and solar and electric vehicles. The problem is that dual systems are needed, driving up energy consumption. Without enough energy, economies tend to collapse. This is a form of simplification.