Focus Climat

OA - Liste

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Le climat est la distribution statistique des conditions de l’atmosphère terrestre dans une région donnée pendant une période donnée. L’étude du climat est la climatologie. Elle se distingue de la météorologie qui désigne l’étude du temps dans l’atmosphère à court terme et dans des zones ponctuelles. source : wikipedia

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Résultats pour:
Gaia Vince

novembre 2022

With up to three billion people expected to be displaced by climate change by 2100, does there need to be a shift in the way we think about national borders, asks Gaia Vince?

août 2022

A great upheaval is coming. Climate-driven movement of people is adding to a massive migration already under way to the world’s cities. The number of migrants has doubled globally over the past decade, and the issue of what to do about rapidly increasing populations of displaced people will only become greater and more urgent. To survive climate breakdown will require a planned and deliberate migration of a kind humanity has never before undertaken.

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