url courte : focusclimat.eu
Le climat est la distribution statistique des conditions de l’atmosphère terrestre dans une région donnée pendant une période donnée. L’étude du climat est la climatologie. Elle se distingue de la météorologie qui désigne l’étude du temps dans l’atmosphère à court terme et dans des zones ponctuelles. source : wikipedia
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Résultats pour:
Madeleine de Trenqualye
Canadian author and professor of climate justice cautiously hails loss and damage agreements at Cop27. " I think the most important thing is to just find other people. Trying to think through this by yourself is a recipe for feeling like a failure and getting dispirited very, very quickly. The benefit of being part of a broader movement is knowing that some people are doing some things, and other people are doing other things, and nobody has to do everything."