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juillet 2023

L’exploitation minière des fonds marins, ou « Deep Sea Mining », est une industrie naissante qui menace notre plus grand puits de carbone et de biodiversité au monde : l’océan profond.
Applications to mine the seabed in our ocean commons can be made from 9 July, says Guy Standing, author of The Blue Commons

avril 2023

L'expédition "Deep Climate" est de retour de Laponie. Les 20 volontaires, encadrés par l'explorateur Christian Clot, ont passé plusieurs semaines dans le grand Nord, dans un but scientifique : étudier leurs réactions et celles de leurs corps face aux températures extrêmes.
Bedrijven staan te popelen om de oceaanbodem om te ploegen om kostbare ertsen te winnen, maar de weerstand tegen de nieuwe industrie groeit. De diepzee verstoren kan namelijk ernstige en onomkeerbare gevolgen hebben voor mens en planeet, schrijven Daniela Fernandez en Matthew Gianni, medeoprichters van de Deep Sea Conservation Coalition.

mars 2023

An investigation by conservationists has found evidence that deep-seabed mining of rare minerals could cause “extensive and irreversible” damage to the planet.The report, to be published on Monday by the international wildlife charity Fauna & Flora, adds to the growing controversy that surrounds proposals to sweep the ocean floor of rare minerals that include cobalt, manganese and nickel. Mining companies want to exploit these deposits – which are crucial to the alternative energy sector – because land supplies are running low, they say.

janvier 2023

Il y avait les Argonautes. Et désormais, il y aura les Climatonautes. Une vingtaine de volontaires qui ont choisi de suivre l’aventurier chercheur Christian Clot pour trois folles expéditions en milieux extrêmes, afin de permettre aux scientifiques d’étudier comme jamais la façon dont les humains s’adaptent aux changements climatiques. Stéphane Besnard, le responsable médical et le codirecteur scientifique des études des expéditions, nous dévoile aujourd’hui les dessous de ce projet nommé Deep Climate.

juin 2022

De enorme ramp met olieplatform Deepwater Horizon, in 2010, had ernstige gevolgen voor mens en milieu. Maar, zo blijkt uit onderzoek aan de Universiteit van Washington, niet voor het aandeel van oliegigant BP. Op lange termijn heeft het aandeel van BP nauwelijks invloed ondervonden.
En 2010, le pire désastre écologique de l’histoire des États-Unis avait coûté 65 milliards de dollars au pétrolier britannique. Par sa faute, 800 millions de litres de pétrole s’étaient déversés dans le golfe du Mexique. Selon une étude, la catastrophe n’a pas entamé ses résultats financiers sur le long terme.

mai 2022

Microplastics are deposited in river floodplains and carried down to deeper levels, according to a study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment. Local topography, frequency of floods, and soil characteristics can affect the amount of plastic particles that are deposited and potentially carried into deeper soil.

avril 2022

The term 'microplastic' was coined just 18 years ago, but already they seem to be just about everywhere. Each year, the average human consumes an estimated 74,000 particles of plastic with unknown health effects. In March of this year, scientists announced they'd found microplastics flowing through our very veins.

février 2022

Et s’il était désormais impossible d’empêcher un emballement climatique et donc d’éviter un effondrement sociétal ? C’est le constat du mouvement d’origine anglaise Deep Adaptation (Adaptation Radicale), qui arrive maintenant en France. Ce jeune mouvement est né après la publication d’un article de Jem Bendell, professeur d’université sur le développement durable à l’université de Cumbria (Grande-Bretagne).

décembre 2021

New research sees two-thirds of mollusc types only found living by hydrothermal vents added to IUCN’s red list of endangered species

septembre 2021

As the world starts to seriously entertain the possibility of commercially mining the deep sea for valuable metals, it’s worth taking a closer look at the claims used to justify its potentially long-lived impacts.
Operators say the Orca plant can suck 4,000 tonnes of CO2 out of the air every year and inject it deep into the ground to be mineralised

juillet 2021

Beware summer! The season we used to anticipate as the lightest, brightest, balmiest time of the year now comes with a health warning.
In 2018, a climate paper by Jem Bendell went viral, being downloaded over a million times. It helped to launch a worldwide movement of people seeking to reduce harm in the face of societal disruption and collapse. In this interview for Facing Future TV, Jem explains the concept of Deep Adaptation, how he developed the idea, what it means in practice, what he says to critics, and what his new book on the topic is about.

juin 2021

Droughts have deep, widespread and underestimated impacts on societies, ecosystems, and economies. They incur costs that are borne disproportionately by the most vulnerable people.
Situated deep in the middle of Brazil, Xingu Indigenous Park encompasses some of the most biodiverse rainforest in the country and is home to dozens of Indigenous communities and a multitude of wildlife. It also sits in the country’s infamous “Arc of Deforestation,” a vast swath of land heavily degraded by industrial agriculture that stretches from one side of Brazil to the other and which is punctuated in just a few places by islands of protected forest.
The climate crisis is causing a widespread fall in oxygen levels in lakes across the world, suffocating wildlife and threatening drinking water supplies. Falling levels of oxygen in oceans had already been identified, but new research shows that the decline in lakes has been between three and nine times faster in the past 40 years. Scientists found oxygen levels had fallen by 19% in deep waters and 5% at the surface.