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There are increasing concerns that continued economic growth in high-income countries might not be environmentally sustainable, socially beneficial, or economically achievable. In this Review, we explore the rapidly advancing field of post-growth research, which has evolved in response to these concerns. The central idea of post-growth is to replace the goal of increasing GDP with the goal of improving human wellbeing within planetary boundaries. Key advances discussed in this Review include: the development of ecological macroeconomic models that test policies for managing without growth; understanding and reducing the growth dependencies that tie social welfare to increasing GDP in the current economy; and characterising the policies and provisioning systems that would allow resource use to be reduced while improving human wellbeing. Despite recent advances in post-growth research, important questions remain, such as the politics of transition, and transformations in the relationship between the Global Nort
We’re sharing the open letter published to accompany the start of the “Beyond Growth” conference at the European Parliament, and signed by members of the Zagreb Degrowth Conference team.
For a small but growing network of countries, the world's go-to metric of economic health is no longer fit for purpose. Finland, Iceland, Scotland, Wales and New Zealand are all members of the Wellbeing Economy Governments partnership. The coalition, which is expected to expand in the coming months, aims to transform economies around the world to deliver shared well-being for people and the planet by 2040.
Gestational exposure to ambient fine particles (PM2.5) increases the risk of stillbirth, but the related disease burden is unknown, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We combine state-of-the-art estimates on stillbirths, and multiple exposure–response functions obtained from previous meta-analyses or derived by a self-matched case-control study in 54 LMICs. 13,870 stillbirths and 32,449 livebirths are extracted from 113 geocoded surveys from the Demographic and Health Surveys. Each stillbirth is compared to livebirth(s) of the same mother using a conditional logit regression. We find that 10-µg/m3 increase of PM2.5 is associated with an 11.0% (95% confidence interval [CI] 6.4, 15.7) increase in the risk of stillbirth, and the association is significantly enhanced by maternal age. Based on age-specific nonlinear PM2.5–stillbirth curves, we evaluate the PM2.5-related stillbirths in 137 countries. In 2015, of 2.09 (95% CI: 1.98, 2.20) million stillbirths, 0.83 (0.54, 1.08) million or 39.7%
BERLIN, Feb 28 – Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world, despite efforts to reduce the risks. People and ecosystems least able to cope are being hardest hit, said scientists in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released today.
De Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) introduceerde vorige week de nieuwste versie van de Happy Planet Index (HPI). Die mondiale maatstaf voor duurzaam welzijn is een mooie inspiratiebron en motivatie voor de landen die deelnemen aan de VN-klimaattop in Glasgow die vandaag van start gaat. De Transformisten vzw (nieuwe naam voor Netwerk Bewust Verbruiken) is lid van de Wellbeing Economy Alliance en levert commentaar bij de HPI index.
New research suggests social transformations that prompt “degrowth” could cut humanity’s climate footprint in time to meet the Paris climate agreement target.
Joe Biden réunit jeudi un sommet virtuel mondial sur le climat censé marquer le retour des Etats-Unis dans la lutte contre le réchauffement, avec un objectif "ambitieux" dont le président américain espère qu'il donnera l'exemple au reste de la planète. Le démocrate prendra la parole dans la matinée avant la quarantaine de dirigeants étrangers invités à cette réunion sur deux jours, dont le Chinois Xi Jinping, le Russe Vladimir Poutine, l'Indien Narendra Modi, le Français Emmanuel Macron ou encore le pape François.
Le climat en Europe a continué de se réchauffer en 2020, les régions arctiques de la Sibérie ayant même connu une année exceptionnelle, avec une température de plus de 4 degrés supérieure à la moyenne, a indiqué jeudi le service européen de surveillance du changement climatique Copernicus.
Joe Biden a dévoilé jeudi, lors de son sommet sur le climat, un nouvel objectif américain de réduction des émissions polluantes quasiment doublé, pour marquer le retour de l'Amérique dans la lutte contre le réchauffement et pousser le reste du monde à "l'action".