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janvier 2025

The 20th edition of the Global Risks Report 2025 reveals an increasingly fractured global landscape, where escalating geopolitical, environmental, societal and technological challenges threaten stability and progress. This edition presents the findings of the Global Risks Perception Survey 2024-2025 (GRPS), which captures insights from over 900 experts worldwide. The report analyses global risks through three timeframes to support decision- makers in balancing current crises and longer-term priorities.

juillet 2023

A collapse would bring catastrophic climate impacts but scientists disagree over the new analysis

août 2021

The report’s conclusion that staying below 2°C this century will only happen if emissions reach net zero by 2050 is well publicised. But there is one, rather more urgent addendum to that: global emissions must peak some time in the middle of this decade. In other words, within the next few years.

juillet 2021

A new report has found that by 2025, the world must remove 1 Gigatonne, or 1 billion tonnes, of carbon from the atmosphere to keep global warming within the Paris Agreement target of 1.5°C. However, projects in development will remove only a fraction of this. The report says, “Without action to deliver 1 Gigatonne (Gt) of negative emissions globally by 2025, keeping global warming within the Paris Agreement target of 1.5°C cannot be achieved.”