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25 août 2024

The signs of weakening resilience raise concerns that the world’s greatest tropical forest – and biggest terrestrial carbon sink – is degrading towards a point of no return. It follows four supposedly “one-in-a-century” dry spells in less than 20 years, highlighting how a human-disrupted climate is putting unusually intense strains on trees and other plants, many of which are dying of dehydration.

23 août 2024

Extreme heat affecting nearly 23m people across US south-west and pushing Texas’s electrical grid to the limit.

20 août 2024

The net zero approach of the Paris agreement has become detached from reality as it increasingly relies on science fiction levels of speculative technology.

16 août 2024

SAO PAULO, Aug 1 (Reuters) - The number of fires in Brazil's Amazon rainforest region surged to a record high for the month of July in almost two decades, government data showed on Thursday, amid a drought in the region fanned by climate change. The Amazon, the world's largest rainforest, plays a vital role in curbing global warming because of the vast amounts of greenhouse gas it absorbs.

15 août 2024

Misinformation by fossil fuel companies is slowing down the energy transition and global efforts to tackle climate change, warns the UN.

13 août 2024

The temperatures of the Mediterranean Sea in recent days have reached heat records set last summer, the main Spanish maritime research center told AFP Tuesday, with marine heat waves in some places exceeding 30 degrees Celsius.
Unprecedented wildfires in Canada and parts of Amazonia last year were at least three times more likely due to climate change and contributed to high levels of CO2 emissions from burning globally, according to the first edition of a new systematic annual review.

12 août 2024

Coal and gas exports expected to remain roughly at current level until at least 2035 with 4.5% of emissions linked to Australia, report finds

10 août 2024

Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and Morocco experienced extreme heat in July 2024, causing at least 23 fatalities, widespread wildfires and bringing public life to a hold.

08 août 2024

UN says a global ‘backlash’ against climate action is being stoked by fossil fuel companies

06 août 2024

The world is currently seeing the fastest-spreading, largest-ever outbreak of H5N1, a highly contagious, deadly strain of avian influenza. Scientists say this virus now presents an existential threat to the world’s biodiversity, with the risk to humans rising as it continues to leap the species barrier, reaching new host species.

05 août 2024

The story of Greenland keeps getting greener—and scarier. A new study provides the first direct evidence that the center—not just the edges—of Greenland's ice sheet melted away in the recent geological past and the now-ice-covered island was then home to a green, tundra landscape.

04 août 2024

The Center for Climate Integrity (CCI) helps communities hold oil and gas corporations accountable for the massive costs of climate change.
The EU Observatory on deforestation and forest degradation aims to monitor changes in the world’s forest cover and related drivers. Besides providing access to global forest maps and spatial forest and forestry-related information, this Observatory will facilitate access to scientific information on supply chains, linking deforestation, forest degradation and changes in the world’s forest cover to Union demand for commodities and products. Data and information provided on this Observatory play a supporting role but do not assure compliance or imply non-compliance with EU Regulations, other legal frameworks or commitments, or international agreements.

02 août 2024

From farmers to disaster survivors, new plaintiffs and progressing lawsuits are putting pressure on industry polluters.

01 août 2024

There is increasing concern that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) may collapse this century with a disrupting societal impact on large parts of the world. Preliminary estimates of the probability of such an AMOC collapse have so far been based on conceptual models and statistical analyses of proxy data. Here, we provide observationally based estimates of such probabilities from reanalysis data. We first identify optimal observation regions of an AMOC collapse from a recent global climate model simulation. Salinity data near the southern boundary of the Atlantic turn out to be optimal to provide estimates of the time of the AMOC collapse in this model. Based on the reanalysis products, we next determine probability density functions of the AMOC collapse time. The collapse time is estimated between 2037-2064 (10-90% CI) with a mean of 2050 and the probability of an AMOC collapse before the year 2050 is estimated to be 59±17%.
“The threats are now arriving together. Their collective scale and impact is so great that few see it. Together, these risks endanger our ability to maintain a civilization, possibly even to survive. Global solutions to these global problems are now imperative. “The crisis is vast, complex and interconnected. It affects everyone on Earth, and will do for generations to come. There is at present no plan of action to resolve it; there is not even an agreement that humanity should act to save itself.”
Under current emission trajectories, temporarily overshooting the Paris global warming limit of 1.5 °C is a distinct possibility. Permanently exceeding this limit would substantially increase the probability of triggering climate tipping elements. Here, we investigate the tipping risks associated with several policy-relevant future emission scenarios, using a stylised Earth system model of four interconnected climate tipping elements. We show that following current policies this century would commit to a 45% tipping risk by 2300 (median, 10–90% range: 23–71%), even if temperatures are brought back to below 1.5 °C. We find that tipping risk by 2300 increases with every additional 0.1 °C of overshoot above 1.5 °C and strongly accelerates for peak warming above 2.0 °C. Achieving and maintaining at least net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2100 is paramount to minimise tipping risk in the long term. Our results underscore that stringent emission reductions in the current decade are critical for planetary stabili

30 juillet 2024

The airline blamed difficulties securing more efficient aircraft and sustainable jet fuel.
In 2023, the CO2 growth rate was 3.37 ± 0.11 ppm at Mauna Loa, 86% above the previous year, and hitting a record high since observations began in 1958[1], while global fossil fuel CO2 emissions only increased by 0.6 ± 0.5%[2,3]....

28 juillet 2024

Temperatures reach 45C in parts of the country and 225 people seek treatment for heatstroke

26 juillet 2024

The wildfire destruction to Jasper National Park has reverberated across all of Canada.

18 juillet 2024

A new study finds that the mining and processing of the metal critical to EV batteries and renewable energy storage projects depletes and contaminates surface water, often in already vulnerable communities.
Scientists now fear that there is little more than five years left to prevent irreversible climate damage and stark changes to the Earth’s weather patterns from global carbon emissions, Minister for Climate Eamon Ryan has warned.
As the climate crisis causes heavier and more frequent floods across the US, one in four small businesses are one disaster away from shutting down

15 juillet 2024

Melting of ice is slowing planet’s rotation and could disrupt internet traffic, financial transactions and GPS

12 juillet 2024

Breathless reporting on when the present global heat anomaly will begin to fall is understandable, given heat suffering around the world. However, fundamental issues are in question and a reflection on time scales is in order, for the sake of understanding ongoing climate change and actions that need to be taken.

09 juillet 2024

Warning after intensification of storm aided by unusually hot ocean waters in much of Beryl’s path. Hurricane Beryl, which slammed into Texas on Monday after wreaking havoc in the Caribbean, was supercharged by “absolutely crazy” ocean temperatures that are likely to fuel further violent storms in the coming months, scientists have warned.
Blackened trees, dead animals and scorched earth – early wildfires have already devastated Brazil’s Pantanal and local people worry they may lose the battle to save them

08 juillet 2024

Monthly global surface air temperature anomalies (°C) relative to 1850–1900 from January 1940 to June 2024, plotted as time series for all 12-month periods spanning July to June of the following year. The 12 months from July 2023 to June 2024 are shown with a thick red line, while all other 12-month periods are shown with thin lines shaded according to the decade, from blue (1940s) to brick red (2020s).

05 juillet 2024

A carbon bomb is any fossil fuel extraction project that will generate more than one gigatonne of carbon dioxide (1GtCO2) over its remaining life.

04 juillet 2024

Months of scorching temperatures sometimes over 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit) in parts of India this year left hundreds dead or ill. Official government records put the number of heat-related deaths this year as 110, but public health experts say that number is more likely in the thousands. Poor data collection methods and reporting are stopping the country from getting a more accurate picture of how deadly the heat is. Experts are concerned that it's hindering efforts to better prepare for future heat waves.

03 juillet 2024

Offsetting allows corporations to increase emissions, while getting credit for pseudo-reductions elsewhere
Numerous prominent petroleum geologists have been warning for years about the resources limitations of oil both in the U.S. and globally.  It’s now looking like the wolf is nearing the door.

02 juillet 2024

Economic growth allows the few to grow ever-wealthier. Ending poverty and environmental catastrophe demands fresh thinking

26 juin 2024

Mainstream media are ignoring a scientist who is whistleblowing the climate profession. During the five years since new kinds of activism brought the climate issue into the headlines like never before, the topic has more clearly become one where people respond due to their preexisting worldviews. It’s not just believers and sceptics, but there are those who think technology can save us, those who think it’s too late; those who think the science is clear, others who think it is open; those who believe humans will muddle through and those predicting human extinction. Climate scientists themselves now range from those emphasizing ‘we can do this’ to those that express their grief and outrage by gluing themselves to buildings. Meanwhile, misleading narratives are amplified by a variety of vested interests, including fossil fuels, nuclear, and clean tech. Climatologist Dr Wolfgang Knorr is an unusual voice in this cacophony because he has been ‘blowing the whistle’ on the climate science itself and how it is being

25 juin 2024

Small increase in temperature of intruding water could lead to very big increase in loss of ice, scientists say

24 juin 2024

Blog edited by Sam Carana, with news on climate change and warming in the Arctic due to snow and ice loss and methane releases from the seafloor.
Scientists warn of ‘scary’ feedback loop in which fires create more heating, which causes more fires worldwide

19 juin 2024

Research shows climate change carries greater risks for unborn babies than previously thought. Some of the alarming effects of global warming may include worsening health and wellbeing in later life.

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